Argan Oil 30 ML
107.00 ر.س Original price was: 107.00 ر.س.75.00 ر.سCurrent price is: 75.00 ر.س.
Delivery time in other countries: 7 to 14 days
Advantages of Asaal products
Product Description
Origin and Heritage
Argan oil comes to you directly from the heart of the argan forests in the Souss region of Morocco, the original historical home of this wonderful tree. Every drop of this oil carries within it a heritage and culture extending throughout the ages, focusing on quality and purity.
Absolute purity and high quality: This oil is distinguished by its absolute purity, as it:
Rich Benefits:
Rejuvenate and nourish the skin
Rich in vitamins E and A, which are two of the most important skin care ingredients. These vitamins help in cell regeneration and enhance the skin’s ability to maintain its youth and freshness.
Protection from damage
It helps improve skin elasticity and protects it from the negative effects of environmental factors, such as UV rays, wind and dryness
Promote hair health
Fatty acids in argan oil such as Omega 6 and Omega 9 strengthen hair, maintain moisture, and give it a healthy shine.
Strengthening nails
Argan oil strengthens nails and protects them from breakage, giving them a healthy and beautiful appearance
Deep lip hydration
Argan oil deeply moisturizes the lips, protects them from environmental factors, treats cracks, and gives them silky softness while enhancing their natural color and reducing the appearance of fine wrinkles.
Soothe irritated skin
The fatty acids and vitamins in the oil help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation and irritation, making it ideal for sensitive skin.
Improving the condition of acne-prone skin
Argan oil can help balance oil production and reduce irritation, reducing the chances of acne.
Improve skin texture
: Thanks to its rich ingredients, argan oil can help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, enhancing the skin’s natural, healthy appearance.
Natural and organic agriculture
We believe in providing our customers with exceptional and authentic products that are sustainably sourced and adhere to the highest ethical and environmental standards. That’s why we choose to work exclusively with argan oil suppliers who have USDA and EU organic certifications. It is worth noting that the Argan oil that we offer you also has an American and European organic certificate. Through this ongoing commitment to quality, we guarantee you the highest level of purity and potency.
Please note: This information is not marketing rhetoric, but rather documented facts that we share with our customers to ensure transparency of the purchasing process.
Organic Agriculture
- Latest technology: Argan oil was extracted using the latest devices and machines compatible with the best standards.
- Chemical Free: Organic farming means growing argan trees on lands completely free of chemicals and pesticides. This ensures the purity and quality of the final product, and gives customers healthy and natural argan oil.
Latest technology
- Cold pressing: Argan oil was extracted through cold pressing methods, which is the best way to preserve all the active elements and vitamins.
- Compliance with standards: The equipment and devices used in the extraction process comply with the best international standards. This ensures a safe and effective product for customers.
By combining organic agricultural traditions with the latest technology, we ensure that argan oil maintains all its natural benefits and has the highest levels of quality and purity.
Cold pressing and packing
- Cold pressing: Argan oil was extracted through cold pressing methods, which is the best way to preserve all the active elements and vitamins.
- Packaging according to the highest quality standards: The packing process was carried out in the best Moroccan laboratories using international quality standards and under the supervision of specialists and experts in the field.
Brand |
الوجه | ضع 2-3 قطرات من زيت الأرغان على راحة يديك، ثم افركه وطبقه بلطف على الوجه والرقبة. يتميز زيت الأرغان بترطيب عميق، مما يجعله مثاليًا للاستخدام بمفرده للحصول على بشرة ناعمة ونضرة، أو مع مرطب يومي لتعزيز الترطيب. استخدم واقي الشمس صباحًا. |
الشعر | قبل الغسيل: وزّع الزيت من الجذور إلى الأطراف، ودلّك فروة الرأس بلطف. اتركه لمدة 30 دقيقة أو طوال الليل، ثم اغسله بالشامبو. |
تحت العين | ضع قطرة صغيرة تحت العين وربّت بلطف لترطيب المنطقة وتقليل مظهر الهالات الداكنة والانتفاخ. |
الأظافر | دلّك قطرة واحدة على الأظافر والجلد المحيط بها يوميًا لتغذية وترطيب عميق. |
الجسم | دلّك 5-6 قطرات على الجسم بعد الاستحمام للحصول على ترطيب يدوم طوال اليوم. يمكن مزجه مع كريم الجسم لتحسين النعومة. |
ملاحظات | زيت الأرغان مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة والشعر، ويُستخدم بكمية صغيرة لأنه مركز وفعّال. |
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